Goethe Universität


Aspects of Early Astronomy and Mathematics:
Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Islamic Middle Ages

Date and time:  Friday, July 7, 2006, from 2 pm till 6 pm

Location:  Building FLAT 1, Robert-Mayer-Straße 1 (at the corner with the Senckenberganlage), 60325 Frankfurt am Main, room 006 (on the ground floor). The Institute for History of Science is a short walk south of the U-Bahn station Bockenheimer Warte (U4 or U6/U7, south exit in the direction Senckenbergmuseum) along the Senckenberganlage.

Organization:  Petra Schmidl and Benno van Dalen, Institute for the History of Science (Institut für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften), P.O. Box 111932 (FB 13), 60054 Frank­furt am Main, Germany.


2.00 - 2.40 pm Annette Imhausen (Gutenberg University, Mainz):
Demotic Mathematics: Tradition, Transmission, Development (?)

2.45 - 3.30 pm
Glen van Brummelen (Goethe University, Frankfurt):
Controversies in the Early History of Trigonometry
3.30 - 4.00 pm
Tea break
4.00 - 4.35 pm
Benno van Dalen (Goethe University, Frankfurt):
Islamic Astronomical Tables and their Transmission
4.40 - 5.15 pm
Petra Schmidl (Goethe University, Frankfurt):
On Folk Astronomy in Medieval Islamic Astronomy
5.20 - 6.00 pm
François Charette (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich):
Astronomers and Institutions under the Mamluks

All presentations will be given in English. Each presentation includes an introduction aimed at non-specialists and a discussion of recent results and developments.

Beverages will be available in the library of the institute during the tea break. We would appreciate your pre-registration for the symposium by telephone (069/798 22338), fax (069/ 798 23275) or email (schmidl@em.uni-frankfurt.de).